Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lentho - Indonesian Appetizers

I can't realize the word in English for this dish. Lentho is accompaniment for lontong balap. Yet, it is eaten as snack further. I favour to eat it with sambal Petis (shrimp paste sambal).

Category: Snack/accompaniment

Difficulty: simple

Cooking time: half-hour


- a hundred g of red soya bean

- fifty g of tapioca flour

- thirty g granted coconut

- one teaspoon coriander

- three shallots

- two cloves of garlic

- A pinch of pepper

- salt to style


1. Bring to boil red bean. Cook till its soft enough. When it's cooked, dispose of from the water and let it cold.

2. Grind or mix the shallots, garlic, coriander, salt and pepper into paste. Then add the red bean and smashed coarsely.

3. Then add the tapioca flour and also the granted coconut. combine well all the ingredients.

4. type into oval tiny dough. Fry in deep wok over medium heat till crispy. take away from the wok and serve.